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Cholera in Cameroon (Update)

01 December 2011

The non governmental organisation, Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) has reported on the ongoing cholera epidemic in Cameroon. Cholera has now spread to all districts of Douala; the largest city in the country with a population of 2.1m. Following rains in September 2011, cholera cases increased and by mid-October more than 400 case a week were recorded. MSF set up cholera treatment centres in the city to assist local healthcare facilities and more than 350 patients were treated in the first two weeks.

Cases have decreased in the last few days now that the rains have stopped, however the next rainy season is due in March next year (2012) and MSF are training local health staff on cholera treatment and hygiene to enable them to repond to the next outbreak.

Advice for Travellers

Travellers to outbreak areas who will be mixing closely with the local population and cannot ensure safe drinking water can be immunised against cholera. A high standard of food, water and personal hygiene should also be maintained.