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Poliomyelitis in Nigeria (Update)

18 May 2012

Two new polio cases were reported in the past week from Kano and Kaduna states, bringing the total number of cases for 2012, to 30.

In 2012, Nigeria is the global epicentre of polio transmission, accounting for 55% of global cases. Additionally, Nigeria is the only country in the world affected by transmission of all three serotypes: WPV1, WPV3 and an ongoing circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus type 2 (cVDPV type 2).

The Presidential Task Force is continuing to engage with the state governors of infected states, to share evaluations of recent immunization activities and provide priority actions required to improve the upcoming May campaigns. Supplementary immunization activities were planned for 11 high-risk areas in May.

(Via WHO Global Polio Eradication - accessed 18/05/12)

Advice for Travellers

It is recommended that travellers have a poliomyelitis booster (or course) if not already protected and take precautions with food, water and personal hygiene.