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New Look for fitfortravel

28 January 2014

fitfortravel, the travel health website produced by HPS and written specifically for the travelling public, has had a makeover. As well as a new and improved look we have developed the website to make it easier for users to view on a wide range of devices and screen sizes.

There are no major changes to website content or navigation but we have added a filter box in the destinations and advice sections to help travellers locate specific travel health advice more quickly - and whilst on the move!

Ask your travellers to have a look at fitfortravel when planning their trip since the advice is consistent and complimentary to the information you will be referring to on TRAVAX. Remember the suitcase feature on TRAVAX Open Suitcase pulls together all the public advice from fitfortravel and allows you to select and specifically tailor information briefs which you can then print or email directly to your patient.

If you have any feedback on the upgraded fitfortravel site please email the HPS Web Team.