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The dengue fever outbreak in Luanda province on the northwest coast of the country is ongoing. As of 31 May 2013, a total of 517 suspected cases had been reported, of those, 313 have been confirmed as positive for dengue virus infection (DENV-1). All but two of the reported cases occurred in Luanda province, two cases were identified in Malanje province in the central north of the country.
Laboratory-confirmed dengue fever has been reported from seven countries among individuals who had recently travelled to Luanda, including 79 travellers from Portugal. Angola is the third of four African countries to report a dengue outbreak in 2013.
(Via CDC MMWR - accessed 19/06/13)
Advice for Travellers
Avoidance of mosquito bites, particularly during daylight hours, by covering up with clothing, the use of bite avoidance measures such as repellent and bed nets is advised. Elimination of breeding sites around hotel rooms/houses is advised for longer term stays.