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Yellow Fever in Peru (Update)

26 May 2016

Since the start of 2016 to the of beginning of May 2016 WHO PAHO (Pan American Health Organisation) have reported 43 suspected cases of Yellow Fever (YF), including 4 deaths. Of the reported cases 14 were confirmed, 18 were classified probable and 11 were discarded. Peru has 25 departments, YF cases have been reported in 6, with the department of Junin reporting the most YF cases (21 cases) both confirmed and probable.

The number of confirmed and probable YF cases (32) reported in this timeframe exceeds twice the total annual number of cases (confirmed and probable) reported in the previous two years.

(Via WHO PAHO Epidemiological Alert 25/05/16 - accessed 26/05/16)

Advice for Travellers

The cases of YF in this report are located in the Amazon basin of Peru which is a known YF risk area. YF vaccination is usually recommended for travellers to the Amazon. It is essential that travellers also take steps to avoid mosquito bites to reduce their risk of YF, malaria and other mosquito-borne infections in the Amazon.