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Zika Virus Infection in Philippines

06 September 2016

On 6 September 2016, the Philippines Department of Health (PDoH) confirmed their first local transmission case of Zika virus (ZIKV) infection. The case is a 41 year old female from Iloilo City; she has no recent travel history to ZIKV affected areas, thus suggesting that she is likely to have been infected via local transmission.

In response the PDoH has coordinated with local officials to intensify mosquito control efforts including targeted fogging.

For the purpose of advising travellers Malaysia has been categorised as a Moderate risk.

(Via Philippines DOH - accessed 06/09/16)

Advice to Travellers

All Travellers

  • Mosquito bite avoidance is strongly recommended.
  • Advised to seek travel advice from a healthcare provider at least 6-8 weeks in advance of travel, but particularly important if pregnant or planning pregnancy.
  • Strongly advised to obtain adequate travel insurance – pregnant women should check with their travel insurance company that they are covered under the policy.
  • Take measures to avoid sexual transmission of ZIKV

Specific recommendations for pregnant women

Until the link between ZIKV and adverse pregnancy outcomes has been fully clarified pregnant women should:

  • Consider postponing non-essential travel if Moderate risk country/territory/areas.
  • On return, early obstetric review is recommended even if well.
  • More detailed advice can be found here

Specific recommendations for other travellers

Including women at risk of becoming pregnant, planning pregnancy, and their male partners. Further information and more detailed advice can be found on the TRAVAX ZIKV Infection page

Further Resources