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Crimean-Congo Haemorrhagic Fever in Spain (Update)

12 September 2016

On the 8 September 2016 the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) published a rapid risk assessment in response to the Crimean–Congo haemorrhagic fever (CCHF) cases in Spain.

CCHF virus has been detected in ticks collected in the province of Caceres in the northern part of the autonomous Community of Extremadura which borders Portugal. The ECDC concluded that whilst the probability of CCHF virus infection in Spain remains low, however sporadic cases are possible. Further human-to-human transmission in hospital settings can be significantly reduced through enhanced disease awareness and early diagnosis, alongside rigorous infection control policies and procedures.

CCHF risk groups should be informed about the mode of transmission and urged to comply with advice on the prevention of tick bites. Those considered at risk includes:

  • People working in close proximity to animals, especially livestock (e.g. agricultural workers in animal husbandry or slaughterhouse workers, veterinarians).
  • People exposed to tick-to-human transmission through their outdoor activities (e.g. hunters, forest workers, hikers).
  • Healthcare providers at risk of human-to-human transmission.

Advise for Healthcare Workers

These cases highlight the importance of maintaining robust infection control procedures within the health care environment. Health care workers should familiarise themselves with local infection control policies and procedures, and ensure they have appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) to allow them to carry out their work safely.

Advice for Travellers

CCHF is spread by infected ticks from a reservoir usually in animals such as cattle, sheep and goats. CCHF can also be transmitted by contact with the blood of an infected animal. Avoidance of tick bites is essential in risk areas.

For further information please see: Crimean-Congo Haemorrhagic Fever