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Hepatitis E Virus in Niger (Update 1)

16 June 2017

As of 9 June 2017, WHO reported there were 817 suspected cases of hepatitus E virus, including 33 deaths (case fatality rate, CFR: 4%) between 2 January and 1 June 2017. The majority of these have occured since April 2017 when there was a marked increase in incidence. While initial cases were reported from the Diffa health district in the South Eastern Diffa region the outbreak has persisted across 5 health districts in Diffa region being Bosso, Diffa, Goudoumaria, Mainé Soroa and N’Guigmi. The majority of cases were reported in Diffa health district (60%), followed by N’Guigmi (19%) and Bosso (18%).

Advice to travellers

The highest risk of infection is present for those travelling to regions with poor sanitation and hygiene. To prevent infection travellers should be advised to:

No vaccine is available for use in the UK.