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Cholera in Yemen (Update 7)

23 August 2017

The World Health OrganisationLink  reports that there have been 542 278 cases (including 2 003 deaths) from 27 April 2017 to 20 August 2017.

27,766 cases and 17 deaths were reported in week ending 20 August 2017. Children aged under under years are 23% of the cases.

22 out of 23 governorates and 300 out of 333 districts are affected by the outbreak. There has been no interruption in transmission in any governorate involved in the outbreak so far.

Advice for Travellers

Cholera is rare in travellers, mild cases may present as travellers' diarrhoea.

All travellers should be given advice on maintaining good food, water and hand hygiene, see traveller's diarrhoea, safe eating and drinking and water purification.

Travellers should be advised on basic steps in self - treating diarrhoea, particularly maintaining hydration.

When to consider vaccination

Vaccination should be considered under the following circumstances and is dependant on the individual risk assessment:

Volunteers/aid workers/medical personnel in disaster relief situations where cholera outbreaks likely.

Those travelling to work in slums/refugee camps, areas affected by natural disasters, or countries experiencing cholera outbreaks (see current notes on the country concerned).

For further information see Cholera