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Falsified Rabies vaccine in Zimbabwe

04 February 2025

The Medicines Control Authority of Zimbabwe (MCAZ) has issued an alert relating to a falsified (fake) rabies vaccine (labelled ‘Abhayrab’) which has been found to be circulating in Zimbabwe through unauthorised sources. The extent of potential distribution of falsified vaccines across Zimbabwe is not yet clear. There is no evidence currently that the product has been distributed outside Zimbabwe. Details on the falsified medicine, including photographs are available on the issued alert.

Healthcare professionals with concerns about a patient who may have received falsified rabies vaccine in Zimbabwe should seek specialist advice.

Zimbabwe is classified as a high-risk country for rabies. Travel health professionals are reminded of the importance of discussing the risk of rabies with travellers and the benefits of receiving pre-exposure vaccination prior to travelling overseas. This is particularly important given this recent report; and the potential for vaccine failure resulting in death, following exposure to the rabies virus.

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