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Pertussis in Australia

31 October 2011

Pertussis is an onging problem in Australia. A total of 29 897 pertussis cases have been notified this far in 2011. Notifications in August and September numbered 3303 and 3278 respectively, however a decrease in cases was recorded in October (1923). Cases are reported across the country, the health authorities reporting the highest number of cases are New South Wales ( 10 474), Victoria (7180) and Queensland (6937) followed by Western Australia (2137) and South Australia (2022). Free pertussis vaccine for parents and carers of children under 12 months of age has been offered in some areas in order to reduce the infection rate among children.

Advice for Travellers

Travellers may be concerned either because of risk of contracting pertussis themselves or because, if infected, they may put very young children who are too young to be vaccinated at risk (e.g. grandparents visiting new grandchildren). Adult boosters of pertussis vaccine are not recommended for the UK. Further information on pertussis immunisation and Australia is available on the Pertussis FAQ page.