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Malaria in Greece (Update)

03 November 2011

New cases of Plasmodium vivax malaria continue to be reported from Greece. Between 21 May and 26 October 2011, a total of 61 cases have been identified, of those 33 have been Greek nationals with no history of travel to a malarious country. Twenty seven cases have been reported from Evrotas in the district of Lakonia in Pelloponese, southern Greece. The other 6 cases were located in Attiki (2), Evoia (2), Viotia (1) and Larissa (1).

Plasmodium vivax malaria has also been identified in 28 immigrant workers in Evrotas in the district of Lakonia. Most of these workers came from a malaria endemic country; 19 originated from Pakistan and 2 from Afghanistan. Of the remaining 7 immigrant cases, 5 were from Romania, one from Morocco and one from Poland; these immigrants were working in the affected areas of Greece.

(Via ECDC - accessed 03/11/11)

Advice for Travellers

The Greek authorities have increased surveillance and vector control methods in the affected areas, therefore TRAVAX advice is unchanged. With winter approaching, experts feel that the risk of malaria transmission is very low at present and should end soon.

Malaria prophylaxis is not recommended as the risk to travellers is considered to be low. Travellers should be aware of these locally acquired malaria cases and be advised to avoid mosquito bites using personal protective methods and report any fevers promptly.