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Botulism in Russia

21 November 2011

The incidence of botulism in the Volgograd region has risen. During the first 9 months of 2011, the disease affected more than 60 people, 7 of whom died. This exceeds last year's (2010) total by more than 3 times: in 2010 only 4 people died and there were only 18 cases.

Advice for Travellers

This area is not frequently visited by the average traveller and botulism is considered a low risk. The most common form is food botulism and the toxin is produced in incorrectly processed, canned, low acid or alkaline foods and in pasteurised and lightly cured foods stored unrefridgerated, particularly if vacuum packed or in an airtight container. Canning food in the home is popular in the Russian Federation. Travellers should take care in their food selection.

• Further information on Botulism