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Rabies (Human) in Ecuador

01 December 2011

An outbreak of human rabies cases has been identified in two communities in Morona Santiago in the Amazon basin of east-central Ecuador.

The media has reported that six children have died this month from rabies virus infection transmitted by the bite of vampire bats. Health officials have recorded four confirmed cases of rabies and a further eight suspected rabies cases are being cared for in hospital.

The Ministry of Health is conducting an immunisation campaign in the affected communities, targeting children and those reporting bat bites. Earlier this year bovine deaths from rabies were reported in the area; cattle are most at risk as they are readily accessible to bats. Humans are at risk if sleeping out of doors or in poor housing, particularly if there are no cattle available.

Advice for Travellers

Ecuador is considered a high risk area for rabies and travellers visiting the Amazon basin and far from a reliable source of rabies immunoglobulin and vaccine should consider pre-exposure rabies prophylaxis. Bat bites in any country must be carefully assessed by a medical practitioner.