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Rabies (Human) in Indonesia (Update)

22 December 2011

Following a four month period of no reports of rabies cases, a new case of human rabies virus infection has been identified in Bali.

The case was a young man from Bandung village in Payangan subdistrict who was bitten on the arm by a stray dog six months ago. Unfortunately he did not seek treatment of the bite and he died shortly after being admitted to hospital on 11 December 2011.

The report says that Sanglah Central Hospital has an adequate stock of rabies vaccine at present however no mention is made of the supply of human rabies immuoglobulin. 

A total of 133 human deaths from rabies have been recorded since the outbreak began in 2008. This figure does not take in to account the unconfirmed, suspected deaths from rabies in isolated areas.

Advice for Travellers

Travellers should be made aware of the rabies risk in Bali and rabies pre-exposure prophylaxis considered. Contact with animals and dogs in particular should be avoided.