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Yellow Fever in Ghana

10 February 2012

On 20 December 2011, the Ministry of Health of Ghana notified WHO of a yellow feverĀ outbreak occurring in 3 districts; Builsa and Kassena-Nankana-West in the Upper East Region and Kitampo-South in the Brong Ahafo Region located in the mid-western part of the country.

A total of three laboratory-confirmed cases, including two deaths, have been detected by yellow fever surveillance, with the clinical syndrome of fever and jaundice.

A reactive campaign has been planned starting 6 February 2012, over 235 000 people in the affected districts have been targeted for vaccination, with the exclusion of pregnant women and children aged under one year.

This activity will complement the two-phased YF preventive mass campaign undertaken by the country. The first phase was conducted in November 2011 and the second phase, planned for this year, seeks to target 1.7 million people spanning 17 districts.

(Via Global Alert and Response - accessed 09/02/12)

Advice for Travellers

Yellow fever vaccination is recommended for travellers visiting Ghana. Travellers should also take steps to avoid mosquito bites by personal protection methods.