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Poliomyelitis in Pakistan (Update)

19 June 2012

Five new cases were reported in the past week. Three of the cases were from Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA), one from Punjab and one from Sindh. The total number of cases in 2012 is 22. The most recent case is one of the newly-reported cases from FATA, with onset of paralysis on 22 May.

Additionally, three new positive environmental samples were confirmed this week, from Sindh, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Punjab, further evidence of ongoing widespread transmission of poliovirus.

A rapid outbreak response is currently being planned for southern Punjab, northern Sindh and adjacent districts of Balochistan. The activity follows subnational immunization days held last week.

(Via Global Polio Eradication - accessed 19/06/12)

Advice for Travellers

It is recommended that travellers have a poliomyelitis booster (or course) if not already protected and take precautions with food, water and personal hygiene.