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Tropical Cyclone in Vanuatu

16 March 2015

On the evening of 13 March 2015, Port Vila, the capital of Vanuatu was hit by Tropical Cyclone Pam; a category 5 cyclone. Severe damage has been done to infrastucture by winds reaching 250kmph with gusts of around 320kmph. Shefa Province has been declared a state of emergency. An estimated 90% of structures in Efate have been damaged or destroyed.

More than 2000 individulas are being accommodated in evacuation centres in Efate, Torba and Penama.

According to the Foreign and Comonwealth Office (FCO) there are flight disruptions, although a limited number of commercial flights are now operating.

(Via ReliefWeb - accessed 16/03/15)

Advice for Travellers

Travellers intending to visit Vanuatu should check with their tour operator for information on flights, accommodation etc. Travellers should also check with the FCO for the most up-to-date information on the current situation and advice for travellers already in Vanuatu who may require assistance.