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Yellow Fever in Brazil

31 March 2015

The media has reported on a case of yellow fever in Amapa state in the extreme northeast of the country, bordering French Guiana.

The case is a 7-year-old boy who was thought initially to have contracted urban yellow fever in Macapa, the state capital. Health officials have since reported that the boy was suffering from the more common, sylvatic form of yellow fever. Sylvatic yellow fever is transmitted in more rural/forested areas where the monkey host is found. Urban yellow fever was last reported in the country in 1942.

Yellow fever vaccination is part of the routine schedule in the state, with good coverage. The case in this report had travelled from Gurupa in Para state seeking medical attention; he was unimmunised against yellow fever.

Advice for Travellers

Amapa state lies within the yellow fever risk area of Brazil and vaccination to this area is recommended by WHO. Travellers should also take precautions to avoid mosquito bites.