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Japanese Encephalitis in the UK (Ex China)

10 August 2015

The media has reported on a case of Japanese encephalitis (JE) in a UK traveller. The traveller is a 31-year-old female who was working in China on a research project on conservation. The woman first received medical assessment in hospital in China but was later transferred to a hospital in Bangkok, Thailand. Repatriation to the UK took place on the weekend 1-2 August 2015.

(Via North Wales Chronicle - accessed 10/08/15)

Advice for Travellers

JE is spread through the bite of an infected Culex mosquito that normally breeds in water pools and rice paddies. Culex mosquitoes generally bite between dusk and dawn. Risk varies according to destination, season, duration of travel and activities. Most short stay travellers and those only visiting cities and urban areas will be at low risk.

JE vaccine is sometimes recommended for those considered to be at risk. See China country record for further details re risk areas.