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Measles in Mongolia

26 August 2015

The media has reported on the measles situation in Mongolia. WHO declared Mongolia measles free in June 2014, following three years with no measles cases reported. Measles was first reported on 18 March 2015, by the media and the outbreak has continued to expand since. A total of 17 580 suspected measles cases have been reported in the first six months of the year (2015); WHO has recorded a total of 746 confirmed notifications between March and June.

The Ministry of Health, with the support of WHO and UNICEF launched a national measles immunisation campaign which took place between 15-25 May 2015, reaching 163 216 children between the age of 6 months and 10 years.

(Via Outbreak News Today - accessed 26/08/15)

(Via WHO Measles-Rubella Bulletin Vol 9 Issue 7 July 2015 - accessed 26/08/15)

Advice for Travellers

It should be confirmed that children have received their recommended doses of MMR at 12-15 months of age and again pre-school around 3 years 6 months. Unimmunised adults who have not had the disease themselves may consider vaccination if thought to be at risk. Two doses of MMR vaccine are required to give adequate protection.