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Dengue Fever in Sudan (Update)

27 November 2015

Dengue fever cases continue to increase in Sudan. Further laboratory confimation is awaited from the Robert Koch Institute in Germany and Pasteur Institute in Dakar although dengue virus has been confirmed in several samples to date.

As of 26 November 2015, a total of 428 suspected cases and 119 related deaths have been recorded between 29 August-20 November 2015.

(Via ECHO Flash List 26 Nov 2015 - accessed 07/11/15)

Advice for Travellers

Avoidance of mosquito bites, particularly during daylight hours, is recommended. Bite avoidance measures include: covering up with clothing, the use of insect repellent and bed nets impregnated with insecticide. Reduction of mosquito breeding sites around hotel rooms/homes is advised for longer term stays.