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Dengue Fever in Sudan (Update)

14 December 2015

Further cases of suspected dengue fever continue to be reported from Sudan. The outbreak of suspected cases was first reported on 29 August 2015, and as of 4 December, a total of 557 cases including 130 deaths has been recorded. Initially the outbreak was confined to Darfur, however, suspected cases have now been identified in the states of Kassala and Kordofan.

Between 29 August-4 December 2015, 27 states of Darfur reported a total of 512 suspected cases and 125 deaths. Between 17 October- 4 December 2015, six localities of Kordofan: Abyei, Keilak (West Kordofan), Reif Ashargi, Kadugli, Habila (South Kordofan) and Shiekan (North Kordofan), reported a total of 40 suspected cases and 4 falatities. In Kassala state, five suspected cases and one death were reported in the state capital Kassala town between 23-26 November 2015.

Investigation into the outbreak is ongoing and plans are being made by WHO and the Ministry of Health to deploy laboratory facilities and experts from the Institut Pasteur, Dakar, to support field diagnosis and strengthen the capacity of the central public health laboratory in Khartoum.

(Via OCHA Humanitarian Bulletin Sudan - accessed 14/12/15)

Advice for Travellers

Avoidance of mosquito bites, particularly during daylight hours, is recommended. Bite avoidance measures include: covering up with clothing, the use of insect repellent and bed nets impregnated with insecticide. Reduction of mosquito breeding sites around hotel rooms/homes is advised for longer term stays.