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Measles in France (Refugee Camps)

26 January 2016

Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) has reported an outbreak of measles in the refugee camp in Calais; several cases have been identified. The first suspected cases of measles have also been reported in the refugee camp at Dunkirk; measles has yet to be confirmed by MSF.

MSF in consultation with the French Government, plan a measles vaccination campaign in both camps. The first will take place in the Calais camp, hoping to start by the end of this week. The following week the campaign will take place in the Dunkirk camp.

(Via VTM NIEUWS (in Flemish) - accessed 26/01/16)

Advice for Travellers

All volunteers/aid workers should ensure that they are protected against measles prior to working in refugee camps.

It should be confirmed that children have received their recommended doses of MMR at 12-13 months of age and again pre-school around 3 years 6 months. Unimmunised adults who have not had the disease themselves may consider vaccination if thought to be at risk. Two doses of MMR vaccine are required to give adequate protection.