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Yellow Fever in Angola (Update)

08 March 2016

The media has reported on the ongoing outbreak of yellow fever in Angola. Since the outbreak began in December 2015, a total of 765 suspected cases have been reported, of those, 33 have been confirmed. A total of 127 deaths have been registered.

The National Directorate of Public Health, reported that during the week 29 February to 06 March 2016, 78 new suspected cases of yellow fever, and seven deaths were recorded.

The worst affected provinces continue to be: Luanda, Huambo and Huila, with confirmed cases also reported in the provinces of BiƩ (1), Benguela (1), Huambo (2), Kwanza Sul (1), Cabinda (1) and Huila (2). The immunisation campaign in the capital continues with around half of the target population of 8.8 million immunised.

(Via RTP Noticias (in Portuguese) - accessed 08/03/16)

Advice for Travellers

There is a risk of yellow fever and vaccination is advised for travellers (unless contraindicated). Travellers should also take steps to avoid mosquito bites.

A yellow fever vaccination certificate is required from all travellers over 9 months of age entering Angola.