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Dengue Fever in Papua New Guinea

27 April 2016

An outbreak of dengue fever has been reported from Papua New Guinea (PNG). The outbreak is occurring in the National Capital District of the country, Port Moresby. The public health department has confirmed 5 cases of dengue virus infection, with a further 28 suspected cases awaiting laboratory results from the PNG Institute of Medical Research in Goroka. The current cases are reported to be autochthonous; in recent years most dengue cases in PNG have been imported from other endemic areas.

The health department is raising awareness in the community and carrying out fogging in homes. The public are being asked to help eliminate mosquito breeding sites and free mosquito nets are being provided for pregnant women at antenatal clinics.

(Via ReliefWeb - accessed 27/04/16)

Advice for Travellers

Avoidance of mosquito bites, particularly during daylight hours, is recommended. Bite avoidance measures include: covering up with clothing, the use of insect repellent and bed nets impregnated with insecticide. Reduction of mosquito breeding sites around hotel rooms/homes is advised for longer term stays.