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Yellow Fever in Angola (Update)

20 June 2016

In Angola the total number of notified cases has increased since early 2016. As of 15 June 3137 cases (345 deaths) have been reported. Of these 847 are confrmed cases (112 deaths) . Suspected cases have been reported in all provinces, and confirmed cases have been reported in 16 of 18 provinces and 78 of 121 reporting districts. Mass vaccination campaigns which first began in Luanda and have now expanded to cover most of the other affected parts of the country. Despite extensive vaccination efforts circulation of the virus persists.

(Via WHO Yellow Fever Situation Report 16 June 2016 - accessed 20/06/16)

Advice for Travellers

Yellow fever infection can easily be prevented by vaccination. Vaccination is advised for all travellers to Angola (unless contraindicated) and proof of vaccination is required for all travellers over 9 months of age entering Angola. The vaccine should be administered at least 10 days before travelling and Angola considers the International Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis (ICVP) to be valid for life.

It is essential that travellers also take steps to avoid mosquito bites.