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Gastroenteritis in New South Wales

25 July 2016

On 20 July 2016 the media reported large volumes of gastroenteritis in New South Wales (NSW). In the last fortnight to 3353 people have presented at their hospital A&E, 798 of which were admitted due to the severity of their symptoms. Young adults between 17-34 and children under 5 have been worst affected by this unseasonal outbreak.

The NSW Chief Health Officer advised that the outbreaks are mostly caused by infection with norovirus or rotavirus and spread easily from person to person, particularly if hands are not carefully washed after using the toilet or attending to nappy changes.

(Via Mail Online- accessed 25/07/16)

Advice for Travellers

All travellers should be advised on practicing good food and water hygiene. Where possible, hands should be washed prior to handling food, eating and always after using the toilet. Handwashing facilities may be poor or not available when travelling, therefore it is advisable to carry sanitising gel or hand wipes at all times.