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West Nile Fever in Romania

15 September 2016

A media reportLink of 9 September 2016 asserts that approximately 40 cases of West Nile virus (WNV) infection were registered in Romania between the 1 May to 31 Aug 2016. This figure is aledgedly higher than the total number of WNV infections recorded in 2015. Four of these WNV cases are reported to have died.

Cases of WNV infection were registered in Bucharest, but also in Mures, Iasi, Neamt, Galati, Dolj, Prahova, Dambovita, Giurgiu, Ilfov, Ialomita, Braila, and Tulcea counties.

Advice for Travellers

All travellers should be advised to practice Mosquito Bite Avoidance, especially from dusk till dawn during peak transmission times and when epidemics are known to be occurring. No vaccine is available against WNV.

NOTE: UK Blood Transfusion Services accept donation from travellers returning from areas where there is a risk of West Nile Fever, provided the blood is tested negative for WNV.

  • It is important donors inform the transfusion services about all recent travel outside the UK so the blood can be tested for WNV, as this is not a routine screening test.