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West Nile Virus (Update)

03 October 2016

The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC)Link monitor the West Nile Virus (WNV) transmission in Europe and neighboring countries.

Since the beginning of the 2016 transmission season up until the 29 September 2016, a total of 171 cases of WNV have been reported in humans from the EU Member States and 229 cases from neighboring countries.

During the past week, Hungary reported 5 new WNV cases, 1 from the newly affected county of Csongrad, and 4 from previously affected counties: Fejer (1), Hajdu-Bihar (1) and Pest (2). Italy has reported 14 new cases, 4 from the newly affected provinces of Novara (1), Trapani (1) and Vicenza (2) and 10 in previously affected provinces: Bologna (1), Mantova (4), Modena (1), Ravenna (2) and Rovigo (2). Romania has reported 3 new cases from previously affected counties: Bacau, Constanta and Galati.

In neighboring countries; Israel has reported 8 new cases, all in already affected areas: Central district (3), Haifa (1), Northern district (2), Southern district (1) and Tel Aviv (1).Russia has reported 14 confirmed cases in already affected oblasts: Astrakhan (1), Saratov (8) and Voronezh (5). Serbia has reported two new confirmed cases in the already affected South Banat district.

Advice for Travellers

WNV is spread by mosquitoes. All travellers should be advised to practice Mosquito Bite Avoidance, especially from dusk till dawn during peak transmission times and when epidemics are known to be occurring. No vaccine is available against WNV.

NOTE: WNV can also be passed on by blood transfusion, consequently blood donors that have visited a WNV risk area four months prior to donation may have their donation tested for WNV. The Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service have produced a leaflet which details information about blood donation after travel: