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Dengue Fever Outbreak in Burkina Faso

21 November 2016

On the 18 November 2016 the WHO (World Health Organisation) reported an outbreak of dengue fever virus in Ouagadougou, the capital city of Burkina Faso.

Between 5 August to 12 November 2016 a total of 1266 suspected cases were reported, of which 1061 were deemed probable (due to positive dengue rapid diagnostic tests) and 15 died. These cases have been reported from all 12 districts of Ouagadougou. Additionally, two other regions have reported cases, Sahel Region in the north (12 cases) and the Hauts-Bassins region in the west (6 cases).

In response the Burkina Faso Ministry of Health (MoH) plans to incorporate dengue surveillance into existing disease surveillance and response mechanisms. A coordinated response plan has been developed which includes vector control and risk communication. Additionally there are plans to strengthen the capacity of the national reference laboratory for viral haemorrhagic fevers, with additional support from WHO.

Advice for Travellers

All travellers to endemic regions are potentially at risk of dengue fever and should be aware of this infection. Prevention relies on avoiding mosquito bites.


There is no vaccine against dengue fever licensed in the UK.

Dengvaxia®, developed by Sanofi Pasteur MSD, is the first vaccine to be licensed in the world for the prevention of dengue.

    • Mexico, Costa Rica, the Phillipines and Brazil are the first countries to have granted marketing authorization for Dengvaxia®

At present the World Health Organisation (WHO) is trialling several candidate vaccines against dengue fever.