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Cholera Outbreak in Ghana

13 December 2016

On 27 November 2016 a media reportLink asserted that the Ghana Health Service (GHS) has confirmed approximately 500 people have been affected by a cholera outbreak in the central region of Ghana. The outbreak is thought to have started on 24 October 2016. GHS have not reported any associated deaths.

The GHS are reported to attribute the surge in Cholera cases in the region to the improper handling of food bought from markets.The Deputy Central RegionalHealth Director is reported to have advised that the Health directorate is collaborating with the various assemblies to address the situation.

(Via Ghana WebLink - accessed 12/12/16)

Advice for Travellers

Severe cholera is rare in travellers, mild cases may present as travellers' diarrhoea.

  • All travellers should be given advice on maintaining good food, water and hand hygiene, see traveller's diarrhoea, safe eating and drinking and water purification.
  • Travellers should be advised on basic steps in self - treating diarrhoea, particularly maintaining hydration.

When to consider vaccination

Vaccination should be considered under the following circumstances and is dependant on the individual risk assessment:

  • Volunteers/aid workers/medical personnel in disaster relief situations where cholera outbreaks likely.
  • Those travelling to work in slums/refugee camps, areas affected by natural disasters, or countries experiencing cholera outbreaks (see current notes on the country concerned).