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Human Case of Avian Influenza in Indonesia

24 January 2017

On 22 January 2016 a ProMedMail report advised that a 10 year old boy, resident in Sukarame district, Bandar Lampung city, Lampung province, tested positive for avian influenza and is in intensive care at the Dr H Abdul Moeloek general hospital in Lampung.

Avian influenza A/H5 viruses are endemic in Indonesia, however, no human cases were reported during 2016. The ProMedMail report does not specify the subtype of avian influenza, however Indonesia is among the countries that have reported the highest number of human cases of avian influenza A/H5N1 to the World Health Organisation since 2003.

Advice for Travellers

Travellers experiencing severe flu like symptoms within 10 days of returning from travel should contact their GP and inform them of their recent travel.

Further information on avian influenza.

Avian influenza advice for travellers.