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Ross River Virus in Australia

10 February 2017

A media report of 8 February 2017 advised of an outbreak of Ross River virus in Victoria. Their Department of Health and Human Services has reported 654 cases of Ross River virus from 1-30 Jan this year (2017). The last outbreak in 2011 recorded 32 cases over the same period with 1330 cases for that year. The average number of cases per year is usually 252.

Advice for Travellers

These viruses are transmitted by the bite of an infected mosquito. Travellers should be made aware of the risk areas in Australia.

Avoidance of mosquito bites, particularly during daylight hours, by covering up and the use of bite avoidance measures is recommended to reduce risk. Those at increased risk include babies, young children, tourists and those living or camping near swamp and river systems during the evening and night.