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Meningitis in Nigeria (Update)

05 April 2017

As of 4 April 2017 the Nigerian Ministry of Health reported a total of 2,997 suspected cases (336 deaths) of cerebrospinal meningitis in 16 States: 146 cases are laboratory-confirmed.

In response 500,000 doses of Meningitis C vaccines have been distributed to affected States with an additional 823,970 doses of vaccines expected from the United Kingdom to support a vaccination campaing beginning immediately.

Advice for Travellers

Spread through airborne droplets and direct contact with nasal/pharyngeal secretions of infected individuals or carriers. Meningococcal disease is found worldwide but epidemics may occur in this country, which lies within the extended meningitis belt of Africa, particularly during the dry season. If vaccination is recommended, quadrivalent conjugate vaccine should be used.

Consider vaccinating:

  • Travellers who are likely to have close, prolonged contact with the local population.
  • Long stay travellers.
  • Those visiting friends and relatives.
  • Those attending mass gatherings (e.g. Hajj or Umrah, festivals, stadia).
  • Those who will be exposed to municipal crowded areas (e.g. schools, dormitories, hospitals).
  • Travellers visiting an area affected by an ongoing outbreak or epidemic.
  • Immunocompromised travellers (including asplenia) visiting endemic areas.