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Hepatitis A in Chile (Antofagasta)

19 June 2017

Media has reported has an increase in cases of hepatitis A in the Antofagasta region of Chile. Seventy four people are suspected of having been infected through consumption of street food from unauthorized vendors. The suspect priducts include pizza, grilled beef and arepas, a kind of cornmeal roll.

Advice to Travellers

  • As with all other illnesses spread by the faecal oral route, precautionary measures should be taken to avoid consumption of potentially contaminated drinks and drinking water and to ensure food is uncontaminated or cooked thoroughly.
  • Personal hygiene when eating and drinking is also important including hand washing prior to eating and using clean plates, cups and utensils.

When to consider vaccination

Vaccination should be considered under the following circumstances and is dependent on the individual risk assessment

  • Non immune travellers to developing countries are at most risk of infection.
  • Occasionally cases have occurred in travellers staying in good quality hotel accommodation but the risk is increased for:
    • those travelling to areas where they will be exposed to unsafe drinking water
    • where sanitation conditions are poor
    • travellers visiting friends and family
    • long stay travellers

For further information see Hepatitis A