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Outbreak of salmonellosis in twelve European countries

03 June 2021

The Food Standards Agency reported on 1 June 2021 that an outbreak of Salmonellosis has been linked to honeydew, cantaloupe and galia melons imported from Costa Rica, Honduras or Brazil.

The outbreak has occurred across Europe with cases reported from Belgium (42), the Czech Republic (4), Finland (5), France (1), Germany (49), Ireland (4), the Netherlands (13), Norway (5), Spain (2), Sweden (22), Switzerland (15) and the United Kingdom (59) since 29 March 2021.

Advice for Travellers

Salmonella is one of the major causes of diarrhoeal disease and is widely distributed throughout the world.

All travellers are advised to:

  • practice strict food and water precautions, including avoiding uncooked, partially cooked, cold or reheated meats, raw eggs and unpasteurised milk or cheese
  • wash their hands thoroughly with soap or use alcohol hand gel prior to eating/drinking, after contact with animals, particularly reptiles and after going to the toilet

Until this outbreak is over travellers should avoid eating melons from Costa Rica, Honduras or Brazil, or whose origins are unclear. They should check country labelling of melons.