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Measles in Democratic Republic of Congo (Update 1)

28 July 2011

The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs has confirmed that measles has caused more than 100 deaths in the country since January 2011. The office has also reported that more than 3.1 million children across five provinces have been immunised against measles since the epidemic first began early in 2011.

The NGO, Medecins Sans Frontiers has complained about lack of support and reactivity to contain this large and ongoing outbreak.

(Via HealthMap - accessed 28/07/11)

Advice for Travellers

It should be confirmed that children have received their recommended doses of MMR at 12-15 months of age and again pre-school around 3 years 6 months, while unimmunised adults who have not had the disease themselves may consider vaccination if thought to be at risk. Two doses of MMR vaccine are required to give adequate protection.