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Poliomyelitis in Kenya

08 September 2011

A new case of poliomyelitis was reported from the Horn of Africa last week, this is the first case of 2011.

The case was identified on 30 July 2011, in the city of Rongo, Nyanza Province on Lake Victoria, western Kenya. Inadequate surveillance along the western border of the country suggests that persistent transmission of poliovirus in Kenya is possible. Wild poliovirus transmission was last reported in the country in July 2009.

The Ministry of Health has sub-national immunisation days planned for September, October and November 2011, covering Nyanza and Western Provinces.

(Via Global Polio Eradication Initiative - accessed 08/09/11)

Advice for Travellers

It is recommended that travellers have a poliomyelitis booster (or course) if not already protected and should take precautions with food, water and personal hygiene.