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Botulism in France

09 September 2011

On 5 September, French health authorities reported two clusters of botulism with a total of eight people affected: the first cluster (five cases) occurred in the district of Vaucluse in southern France, while the second cluster (three cases) was reported from the district of Somme in northern France. All cases have consumed “tapenade” (food product based on ground olives), produced in the Vaucluse under the brand name “Les Délices de Marie-Claire”, batch number 112005. This product is distributed in four districts in southern France (i.e. Bouches-du-Rhône, Drome, Var and Vaucluse), and is available in food delicatessen stores since 31 May 2011 with a best before date of 16 December 2012.

(Via ECDC - accessed 09/09/11)

Advice for Travellers

Travellers intending to visit the areas mentioned in this report should follow local advice. Travellers returning from these areas should contact there general practitioner if they become unwell.