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Yellow Fever Outbreak (Angola) (Democratic Republic of Congo) (Update)

28 November 2016

On the 25 November 2016 the World Health Organisation (WHO) announced that 4 months have passed without any cases of yellow fever (YF) related to the outbreak in Angola and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). The WHO has credited the joint response activities of national health authorities, local health workers and partners for containing the outbreak.

Given the unprecedented nature of the outbreak and the limited supply of YF vaccine, emergency fractional doses of the yellow fever vaccine where used in an innovative new strategy to contain the outbreak. The WHO expert on yellow fever, Sergio Yactayo advised "In an urban emergency situation like this one and to ensure greater coverage with the limited available global vaccine stocks, we knew that a fractional dose strategy should provide more people with the protection required to stop the outbreak.”

(Via WHO Feature ‘Winning the War Against Yellow Fever'Link - accessed 28/11/16)

Advice for Travellers

A traveller's risk of yellow fever is determined by their general risk assessment e.g. country visited, length of stay, city or rural, activities etc.

  • Mosquito bite avoidance rules should be adhered to - the mosquito that spreads yellow fever bites predominantly during the day.
  • Yellow fever vaccine should be considered for travellers at risk.