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Rabies (Canine and Human) in Bolivia

19 October 2011

Cochabamba department in central Bolivia has reported an increase in the number of cases of canine rabies virus infection in 2011.

Seventy eight confirmed cases of canine rabies have been recorded and last week a 7 year-old child died from rabies infection after being bitten by a rabid puppy. A group of 11 children are receiving post-exposure treatment after playing with another puppy which became aggresive and subsequently was confirmed as rabid.

A vaccination campaign was carried out in the department in October 2011, and around 250 000 domestic animals were vaccinated. The puppies mentioned in this media report were bought from travelling vendors and had not been vaccinated against rabies.

Advice for Travellers

Bolivia is considered to be a high risk country for rabies and travellers should be made aware and advised to avoid all contact with animals. Rabies pre-exposure vaccine should be considered for those at risk. All bites should be reported and assessed carefully.