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Outbreaks of Cholera continue in Yemen, Somalia, Kenya and Tanzania

22 May 2017

Authorities and NGOs in all affected countries are continuing their efforts to treat affected patients and reduce transmission of infection.

Yemen: By 14 May 2017, authorities in Yemen had reported 11 046 cases, including 124 deaths. Among these cases, 208 were confirmed. The outbreak is country-wide, with cases reported from 18 out of 21 governorates. Amanat Al-Asimah (38%), Sana’a (13%), Amran (9%), Hajjah (9%), Ibb (6%), Al-Mahweet (5%), Dhamar (4%), Al-Bayda (4%), Al-Dhale’a (3%), Taiz (3%), Abyan (2%), Al-Hudaydah (1%), Raymah (1%), Aden (1%) and Sa’adah (1%). These figures compare with 15843 cases including 531 deaths in the whole of 2016.

Emphasizing the scale of the outbreak, Save the Children later stated Linkon 22 May that there are more than 1 000 suspected cases per day and that at least 242 have died in the current outbreak.

Somalia: In the first four months of 2017, Somalia reported 36 066 suspected cholera cases, including 697 deaths in the first four months of 2017. In comparison, 15 619 suspected cholera cases including 531 deaths were reported in the whole of 2016. Southern regions (Bay, Bakol and Lower Shabelle, Middle Juba and Gedo) are most affected by the current outbreak.

Ethiopia: As of 7 May 2017, Ethiopia reported 32 689 acute watery diarrhoea cases, including 776 deaths. In April, 5723 cases were reported. The Ethiopian Somali Regional State is is particularly affected, with 91% of reported cases and 99% of reported deaths. No official data for the situation in 2016 have been seen.

Kenya: Health authorities have reported 303 cases of cholera including 5 deaths between January and 15 May 2017. A further 5 cases have been reported in Nairobi in recent days. This is of considerable local concern, although the incidence is extremely low in the city.

Tanzania: In May 2017, Tanzania has reported 11 cases of cholera in Dar es Salaam.In April 2017, 2 cases were reported in Zanzibar. Tanzania (mainland) reported 25 115 cases including 390 deaths between 15 August 2015 and 23 March 2017. Fifty-nine percent (14 928, including 202 deaths) of these cases were in 2016. Between 19 September 2015 and 24 July 2016, there were 4 330 cases, including 68 deaths in all five regions of Zanzibar.

Advice to travellers

Cholera is rare in travellers, mild cases may present as travellers' diarrhoea.

All travellers should be given advice on maintaining good food, water and hand hygiene, see traveller's diarrhoea, safe eating and drinking and water purification.

Travellers should be advised on basic steps in self - treating diarrhoea, particularly maintaining hydration.

When to consider vaccination

Vaccination should be considered under the following circumstances and is dependant on the individual risk assessment:

Volunteers/aid workers/medical personnel in disaster relief situations where cholera outbreaks likely.

Those travelling to work in slums/refugee camps, areas affected by natural disasters, or countries experiencing cholera outbreaks (see current notes on the country concerned).